Massive Celestial Missiles that can annihilate the world

Massive Celestial Missiles that can annihilate the world

Frequently, if you start to speak about threats from outer space, people would reply “Asteroids… and Aliens?”.

Still, there are things far more frightening.

For example Stars.
What’s wrong with Stars? They’re just light years away, can’t do anything to us.
Indeed, except when they can move.
Because, yep Hypervelocity Stars are a thing.

Ultrafast Stars Discovered Racing Through Milky Way

Those are Stars which travel so fast, they go at 2 Millions Miles per Hour.
Oh and in case you ask, no, those aren’t tiny objects, except if you think that something with a similar mass as our own dear Sun, is tiny.
We’ve seen only roughly twenty so far, but you know Space is a big place and it’s been theorized that there might be 1000 of them out there.
Oh and weirdly enough, they have a high probability of being in the Milky Way.

But at least, we can spot them through our telescopes before they anihilate us.

The same cannot be said of Rogue Black Holes.

Rogue Black Hole Wanders Toward Galaxy's Edge

Same principles applies, just stealthier, to make things fun.

Oh and when you combine those two you also get something really cool in the shape of Gamma Ray Bursts.

Gamma-ray bursts

Imagine that when a star collapse into a black hole it creates a Supernova Explosion. But the Supernova Explosion in return, as a grenade throwing schrapnels all around, will throw big bursts of energy.
The good news is that they don’t last long: less than a second actually.
The bad news, is that the energy released is equivalent to billions of years of activity of our Sun.
So yep better not be in their direction…

Unsettled yet?

Well I have one final last entry that’ll get rid of all reassuring thoughts you might have.

Heard of Magnetars?

What actually sounds like the name of a really shitty Decepticon in a Transformers film, Magnetars are Neutron stars with an extremely powerful magnetic field.
And when I say powerful, it means that Magnetars have the Magnetic Field of 10 000 Earths.

So what, it will just take out my coins and my knives?
Well you just need to be in 1000km of its magnetic range, and its magnetism will knock the sh*t out of your molecular structure.
Cool, right?

But wait there’s more, because that’s just their magnetic field when they’re good.
When they decay, they become a disco ball sending Gamma Ray Bursts absolutely everywhere, like a Machine Gun.

Well thank god we haven’t seen one yet near us.

But in 1979, a blast from a Magnetar actually screwed up our Ionosphere.
The Magnetar which provided it, was only a mere 50,000 light years away.

Sleep tight, ladies and gentlemen, sleep tight.


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