Pakistanis Look Like


Pakistan is a Diverse Country Indeed. Being on the crossroads between Central, west and South Asia, Pakistan definitely has so much diversity in how people look like as much as the diversity of the land itself.

Some people maintained a rather skewed look for what a pakistani should like. 

It is trues most pakistanis rather fit into a specified look but pakistan is diverse

there is no ‘Pakistani race’ or uniform look because Pakistan comprises of people who belong to different ethnic and cultural backgrounds, hence everyone’s appearance is very diverse, your next door neighbour could look exactly the opposite of what you look like. so it’s impossible to stereotype a Pakistani appearance.
  • Punjabis:
native to the Punjab region, they are the largest ethnic group of Pakistan, making up about 53% of the country and are categorised as indic people, who speak different variants and dialects of Punjabi, a beautiful Indo-Aryan language. amongst the Punjabi community, there are several different castes and tribes that equate to a ‘broader’ Punjabi identity. Punjabis tend to be a very mixed bag in terms of looks.
  • sindhis:
native to the Sindh region, they make roughly about 14% of Pakistan and like the Punjabis, are wholly considered as an indic ethnolinguistic group that speak Sindhi, an indo-aryan language. Sindhi craftsmanship ranging from the famous ajrak to the Sindhi topi is quite famous and well-known in Pakistan today.
  • urdu speaking people:
urdu-speaking people are descendants of the muslim immigrants from uttar-pradesh and other regions of india that migrated to pakistan after the partition. although they are of vast ethnical backgrounds, as a whole, they are considered indic. they make up 8% of pakistan and speak urdu as their native language. they play a major role in advancements of pakistani cuisine.
  • pashtuns:
also known as pathans, are an iranian ethnic group who mainly speak the pashto language, an iranian language, alongside hindko and balochi, whilst some of them also speak dari. they make up roughly 15% of pakistan and are known for their superb hospitality. they are native to south of central-asia, the people of whom they share similar culture and history with.

  • baloch:
they are an iranian ethnic group, and speak several languages mainly balochi, an iranian language and other languages such as farsi, sindhi and seraiki depending on what region they live in. baloch people make about 3%-4% of pakistan and are native to south of caspian region, many historians claim that they are an off-shoot of kurdish people.
  • hazaras:
an ethnic group of mongolian and turkic descent, they speak the hazaragi dialect of farsi and mostly reside in areas of balochistan. according to genetics, they cluster with turkic groups such as the uzbeks, kazakhs and turkmens. they are very polite people and make up about 1–2% of pakistan and are an ethnic minority.
  • kashmiris:
dardic ethnic group native to the kashmir valley, they speak kashmiri, an indo-aryan dardic language alongside pahari, punjabi, hindko and urdu. kashmir itself is a big subject of tourism and many visit it each year, bewildered by its beauty. approximately, they make up around 1% of the entire country.
  • sheedis:
making up negligibly 1% of pakistan, they are descendants of the african tribes that were brought to the indian subcontinent during the salve trade period, many settled on the makran coast of balochistan and adopted the baloch culture and language, hence they’re often referred to as ‘makrani baloch.’ they are very diverse in appearance and wear beautiful ornaments.
  • kalash:
kalash people are a dardic ethnic group that make up around 1% of pakistan. they speak several languages such as kalasha, khowar and tregami. for long, the origins of the kalash people have been disputed over, many suggest they are descendants of the greek army that alexander left behind, others suggest they’re natives of the region. the kalash are known as a very distinct tribe because of their unique lifestyle and culture.
  • people from gilgit-baltistan:
this particular region is occupied by several different ethnical tribes such as the shins, yashkuns, baltis, kohistanis, wakhis, burusho, khowars and also the pashtun people. each of them have their distinguished features, languages and enchanting culture.
baltis: they are an ethnic group of tibetan descent with some dardic admixture, they speak balti, a tibetan language.
wakhis: they are an iranian ethnic group and speak the wakhi language, an iranian language.
khowars: also referred to as ‘kho’ people, they are a dardic ethnic group and speak khowar, a dardic language.
burusho: they are also sometimes referred to as ‘hunza’ people and speak the burushaski language, which is a language isolate, ergo has no genealogical connections to other language.
shina and yashkuns: the two dardic groups are of the same ethnicity and speak the shina language, a dardic language.
kohistani: they are a dardic ethnic group and speak the maiya language, a dardic language.
as you can see, everyone from pakistan has a distinct appearance, this diversity in itself is what makes pakistan so beautiful. 


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